Helping physicians and surgeons retire successfully

plannnig retirment for physicians and their families


“How could you live and have no story to tell?” Dostoevsky

A Coaching for Physicians we can help you with the non-financial issues surrounding your retirement from medicine. A recent survey suggested that more than half of physicians may consider retiring from medicine within the next 3 years. Some physicians and surgeons are ill prepared for the changes that occur after retirement.

They are usually in good health and can anticipate living longer lives and it is possible will spend more time in retirement than in their working life. When most doctors retire they are looking for ways to achieve and live their retirement dreams and view retirement not as an ending, but asa transition to a new and exciting phase of life. Dr. Hudson's experience retiring from a long and busy surgical practice has provided him with a deep personal knowledge and empathy for these issues. Given the right direction and support, there is every reason to suppose that you will navigate these waters and have many happy and productive years following your retirement.

The average retirement age in the community today is 62 and every day 10,000 Baby Boomers reach the age of 65. We are all different in the way that we respond to the transition from work to retirement. For some this transition is similar to their personal response to a job change during their working life. For others it may feel like a crisis. However, many doctors are used to working long hours in a respected position and find this transition difficult. When this happens you may need to adjust to personal shifts in your identity, status or power. Many identify financial constraints or medical problems that lead to difficulties achieving the goal of a long and happy retirement.

Many years ago counseling identified multiple models to aid during the transition to retirement and retirement planning. Coaches have adapted many of these models for use with individuals who are having difficulty defining or achieving their retirement goals. Dr. Hudson is trained in assessments, including the DiSC profile.

Life Transition and Career Change

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” Soren Kierkegaard

At some point, most physicians question the direction of their life and wonder about their meaning and purpose. At these times existential life coaching is an excellent method of self examination. Its aim is greater self understanding not just in the coaching session but in life in general. It is normal, and healthy, for both men and women to question their values and recognize a need for personal growth and exploration. Often this is triggered by personal events like career change, emotional loss, divorce, malpractice or retirement that make us re-think our life and its meaning and purpose. At these times life coaching is especially useful because its value lies not only in the coaching session but in understanding your life in general. Exploring our values and developing a sense of purpose can be one of the most meaningful parts of a rich and fulfilling life. Dr. Hudson feels that a “life well lived” must include personal growth and individuation and this can be helped by thoughtful coaching for physicians and surgeons.